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HomeEDUCATIONTSC internship program; All You Need to Know

TSC internship program; All You Need to Know

TSC internship program; All You Need to Know

TSC internship program; All You Need to Know

To ensure the successful implementation of the Teacher Internship Program, the Commission will appoint supervisors, mentors, and relevant tasks to assist interns in acquiring the essential skills and capitalizing on this opportunity.

The commission should also provide interns with a Certificate of Completion of Internship following the completion of the program and keep a record of all teacher interns who successfully complete the program.

I have highlighted key information regarding the TSC internship program in this article.

– The function of a Supervisor

– The Function of a Mentor Teacher

– Extensive Responsibilities of an Intern Criteria and Procedure for Positioning

– The fundamentals of the Internship Programme

– Payment of Stipend, Benefits, Insurance, and Other Requirements to Interns

– Internship Discontinuation/Termination Variation

– The function of a Supervisor

The supervisor fosters an environment favorable to teacher interns’ learning, training, and professional growth.

In particular, the Supervisor will be accountable for the following;

– Providing an environment that is conducive to the intern’s success and growth;

– Appointing a mentor for the intern; Assigning responsibilities to the intern

– Supervising the intern’s performance at work;

– Establishing performance objectives with the intern in consultation with the Mentor;

– Evaluate the intern;

– Contributing to the comprehensive monitoring and assessment of the program;

– Affording the intern space and tools/equipment within the school;

– Creating a written assessment of the Intern’s performance and arranging a meeting with the Intern to provide feedback;

– Providing the Commission with termly and annual updates on the intern’s performance and any obstacles encountered.

– The Interns are not Commission employees. Therefore, they cannot be considered or approved as replacement teachers. Interns may not perform official duties on behalf of the Commission or the hosting institution.

The Function of a Mentor Teacher

The mentor’s job is to encourage the growth and development of the intern by assisting and directing the intern in developing teaching-related knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

The objective is to enhance job experience. The mentor is accountable for the following;

– Orientation to the school environment for the intern;

– Creating a work schedule for the intern; Co-teaching with the intern; Modeling and demonstrating lessons;

– Providing collegial and emotional support;

– Having command of subject matter and teaching methodology;

– Ensuring that the internship program is carried out as specified;

– Providing the intern with experiential learning opportunities, including allocating time each day to evaluate the lessons presented and plan for the following day;

– Providing a supportive environment conducive to the intern’s growth;

– Conducting continuing monitoring and assessment of the intern, observing and analyzing the success of the intern’s internship program, and providing the supervisor with regular performance comments.

Wide-ranging Responsibilities of an Intern

As a teaching intern, he/she must win the respect of his/her pupils, be a hard worker, and maintain professional relationships with students, mentors, and other stakeholders.

The intern will be responsible for the following: –

– Familiarize yourself with and adhere to the institution’s Rules, Regulations, Policies, Instructions, Procedures, and Directives.

– Before implementing any activity for which he or she is responsible, he or she must obtain approval from the mentor teacher.

– Participate actively in the institution’s learning/training experiences;

– Always be prompt and reliable;

– Utilize the learned knowledge, skills, and attitudes during the internship time;

– Completing tasks assigned by the mentor teacher and/or supervisor, as well as completing all compulsory learning and evaluation for the programme;

– Attend all mandatory school activities for classroom teachers;

– Maintain a Logbook that will be confirmed by the Supervisor;

– Determine training/internship needs and internship objectives with guidance;

– Completion of the internship programme outlined in the offer letter;

– Conduct evaluations of performance in accordance with the Code of Regulations for Teachers

– Initiate meetings with the supervisor and mentor to discuss the development of the program and obtain feedback;

– Establish and maintain professional working relationships with students, the mentor and other teachers, school administrators, and other stakeholders.

– Respect the confidentiality of information and safeguard the security of official records, instruments, and equipment;

– Clarify with the Supervisor following the internship.

Selection Criteria And Placement Procedure Of Interns

Selection Standards

The selection criteria will be as follows: –

– Academic/professional prerequisites;

– Merit and Integrity;

– Gender consideration;

– Regional representation;

– Disability status;

– Minority and marginalized

– Selection Methodologies

The selection will be based on a competitive method, and the following guidelines will be followed: –

The Commission will publicize available teaching positions in daily newspapers and on the TSC website;

The internship advertisement will include teaching subjects, the number of interns required, the internship period, the application deadline, eligibility requirements, and the stipend amount.

As a result of the decentralization of teacher recruitment, Commission agents will conduct the process of selecting teacher interns, including validating their academic and professional credentials;

The Commission will offer advice on recruitment policies and job postings;

Once chosen, the intern must execute an Internship Agreement with the Commission per a prescribed manner.

The fundamentals of the Internship Programme

The Internship Programme will guarantee that:

Inclusivity and accessibility to possibilities for Interns from varied backgrounds representative of the country’s demographics through a transparent recruiting and selection procedure; Interns receive and acquire the practical experience necessary for their professional and career growth.

They should also be aided in developing interpersonal interactions, the ability to make decisions, and the competence to administer institutions; prudent management of resources, including the material and human resources under their care;

Training and work experience are pertinent to the intern’s individual and collective needs and those of the institution.

Payment Of Salary, Entitlements, Insurance, And Other Requirements Of TSC Internship Program


The internship will not be compensated. However, interns will receive a stipend as periodically established by the Commission. In this context, the Commission shall establish annual financial provisions.

Statutory withholdings

The Commission will take from the stipend granted to the Intern the following and any additional statutory deductions where applicable:

National Hospital Insurance Fund; Pay as You Earn (PAYE) (NHIF).Other Personnel entitlements

Interns will be eligible for the following:

One (1) month of paid sick leave and fifteen (15) days of paid yearly leave.Insurance

During the duration of their internship, all interns will be required to have Personal Accident Insurance to cover any personal risks.

In addition, they must register with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) or another reputable medical insurance company.

Other requirements

To preserve the security of the Commission’s information, the safety of learners, and the protection of any property that may be assigned to the intern, the intern will be expected to supply the following documents:

– A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;

– National Identity Card (ID) or copy of passport

– Copy of KRA PIN Certificate;

– Two (2) passport-sized pictures in color;

– Certificate of Registration as a Teacher;

– A signature on all documents and tools supplied to them.


In general, inadequate performance or failure to conform to the norms of conduct established for the Internship may result in the termination of the Internship at the initiative of the Commission or a Commission Officer or Agent.

In particular, an Intern may be terminated from the program for any of the following reasons:

Any substantial infringement of duties and responsibilities that, in the opinion of the hosting institution, would justify early termination of the internship;

Absence from the hosting institution continuously for at least two (2) days without authorization or justification;

As specified in the CORT, engage in unethical conduct, including but not limited to immoral behavior, professional misconduct, and infamous conduct.

Performance is not commensurate with the pertinent provisions of the Code of Regulations and Code of Conduct & Ethics for educators;

Is charged with a criminal offense in a court of law;

If a student willfully destroys the property of the hosting institution; If a hosting institution suffers a loss related to the student’s severe negligence;

Refuses to comply with legal instructions.

The Commission may terminate the intern’s contract with thirty (30) days’ written notice for any cause.

In the case that the Intern decides to terminate the Internship, he or she will:

Submit a thirty (30) day written notice of resignation/termination of the contract to the Commission via the Supervisor.

Providing a two-week written notice prior to accepting job offered before the end of the agreed internship period.

The Commission maintains the authority to terminate an intern’s contract at any time throughout the internship period.


Conforming to or in line with, the Commission may amend or terminate the agreement.

Government strategy; budget allocation level

Regarding the Internship Programme, any fiscal measures that the government or Commission may impose during the fiscal years.

TSC internship program; All You Need to Know

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